Manufacturing Fundamentals

Manufacturing Training
The Manufacturing Training Program is designed to enhance existing employee skills that will lead to a more technically skilled position within your organization.
Companies needing employees with either new skills or advanced skills can secure this training through the AWTC. Companies must be registered as an AWTC client to gain access to this training. Some of these courses are available for the general public and can be obtained through the AIDT Career's page.
Students are REQUIRED to wear work attire to attend class. Students are not allowed to wear tank tops, shorts, or open-toe shoes to class. Students who do not comply with this rule will be excused from their class until the dress code is met.
ARC Flash and Electrical Classes: Long sleeve shirt 100% cotton or T-Shirt 100% cotton, denim blue jeans, or your ARC Flash company-issued clothing.
Some of the courses we provide include:
- ARC Flash
- Basic Electricity
- Basic Pneumatics
- Blueprint Reading
- Forklift Training
- Hydraulics Fundamentals