We Are Moving to a New Location
Due to our move, we have temporarily suspended our training programs
Training Employees
Become Our Client
and gain access to our catalog of courses
Our mission here at the Alabama Workforce Training Center is to provide training to both Alabama businesses and Alabama Citizens at no cost. Alabama businesses are eligible to become an AWTC Business client if they are an Alabama Company, which means that your company meets all state requirements and is engaged in the industries targeted by the AWTC. This is done through a registration process that you can find on this site.
Who can access the site?
Only Plant Managers, Superintendents, HR Managers, Training Managers, or Maintenance Managers can register the company and their employees for training. A company can only register once

Course Offering
All of our scheduled courses are offered at no cost to Alabama companies or their affiliates. Training is offered on a first come/first serve basis. Clients can only register a maximum of two (2) trainees per course, per availability. If a class has a prerequisite, it is the responsibility of the company to ensure that each student has met that requirement. In some cases, proof may be required. Is a class is filled to capacity, interested students can be put on a waiting list and contained once an opening becomes available for the class.
Course Catalog
Learn what courses we offer
Course Cancellation and Substitution
The company may cancel it’s course registration no later than 10 days prior to class by contacting the AWTC or cancelling the student through our online registration program. Substitutions are permitted up to 10 days prior to class by calling or emailing the AWTC. Substitutions can also be changed in our online system. There will be NO walk-in substitutions.
Note: Because this training is offered at nominal or no cost, if you do not cancel within 10 days prior to class starting or attend the scheduled training, you will be removed from the training database and your company barred from participating in training in the future.
Dress Code
Students are REQUIRED to wear work attire to attend class. Students are not allowed to wear tank tops, shorts, or open toe shoes to class. Students who do not comply with this rule will be excused from their class until the dress code is met.
ARC Flash and Electrical Classes: Long sleeve shirt 100% cotton or T-Shirt 100% cotton, denim blue jeans or your ARC Flash company issued clothing.
Register as a Business Client in four (4) easy steps

Complete Form


Review & Approval